What Happens to Your Body When You Drink a Smoothie Every Day?
Smoothie businesses are popping up everywhere, it seems, reflecting consumer preferences for healthy and convenient foods.
Difference Between Headaches and Migraines
Headaches and migraines are a global affliction. According to the World Health Organization, half to three-quarters of the world’s adults aged 18-65 years old had a headache in the last year.
7 Easy and Simple Tips to Reduce Stress at Work
According to the statistics collected from various sources by the American Institute of Stress (AIS), 83 % of United States workers suffer from work stress.
Can Seasonal Allergies Lead to Neck Pain?
Seasonal allergies are commonly referred to as “hay fever” despite the fact that much more than hay causes allergic reactions.
Can Dehydration Cause Your Headaches?
Headaches develop for a reason. It could be due to the flu, a cold, neck muscle strain, reactions to food chemicals, vigorous activity and more.
How Stress Leads to Shoulder and Back Pain?
According to the Institute of Stress, 83 percent of U.S. employers suffer from work-related stress.
Choosing the Best Sleeping Positions with Back Pain
Back Pain Conditions Positions for Sleeping with Back Pain Tips for Sleeping with Back Pain…
Can Working at Home Cause Neck and Back Pain?
Sitting Combined with Lifestyle Factors Aggravating the Sitting Issues Sit Less at Work and at…
Can Genetic Factors Cause Back Pain and Migraine?
Common Medical Issues Looking for the Connection Genetics and Migraine Genetics and Back Pain Inform…
Returning To An Active Lifestyle With Spinal Cord Stimulation System
Spinal Cord Stimulation Systems to Treat Chronic Pain Starting a New Regimen with a Spinal…